Reflections on Revelation 6:9-11
The opening of the fifth seal corresponds to the time of tribulation mentioned in Matthew 24:9 and the following verses. Details of that tribulation will come later. For now, the judgment of the nations has met resistance. The souls of those who have been slain for the word of God and their testimony about Jesus are under the altar.
The altar on which animals were sacrificed stood outside in front of the temple in Jerusalem. John, however, is not looking at the earthly temple made with hands, but on the spiritual temple built by God. On this altar in the spiritual, heavenly temple, the saints offer up their own lives as thank offerings to their God. Their lives are devoted wholly to God, even unto death.
Still, in their sufferings and deaths, these cry out to God and ask, "How long before you judge and avenge our blood on the the inhabitants of the earth?" They are given white robes, signifying their reservations at the banquet of the righteous when the judgment of the nations is finished (Revelation 19:6-9). However, they are told to wait a little longer until the number of those to be killed is complete.
The purpose of the fifth seal is to assure those who are suffering for Christ that they have not been forgotten even though the battle continues to rage for a short time. Those who have died have a place reserved in the marriage banquet at the end of the age.
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