Wednesday, August 1, 2012

When Government Usurps the Authority of Christ

Reflections on Revelation 13:1-10

The second enemy is a beast which rises out of the sea.  He looks much like the dragon, but his description is based on of Daniel 7 where Daniel saw four beasts which represent four great kingdoms.  Those four beasts were a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a fourth terrifying beast.  Those four beasts combined had seven heads and ten horns.  John's beast is a terrifying seven-headed beast that has ten horns and the features of a lion, bear, and a leopard.  John's beast is a composite of the beasts in Daniel, and represents both Rome and all kingdoms of all time which oppose God and persecute his people. 

Just as the Son is the exact representation of the Father, the beast is the earthly representation of the dragon, Satan, and it is through this beast that the dragon makes war against the woman and her seed.  Just as God gave his Son a throne (Rev 3:21), so the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority over every tribe and people and language and nation.  The Son rules the nations in truth and righteousness, but the beast rules by means of deception and death because his master, the dragon, has been a liar and murderer from the beginning.  Just as the dragon opposes God, so the beast intends to usurp the Son's position as ruler over the nations.  Just as the Lamb was slain but is now alive (Rev 5:12; 1:18), so the beast has a fatal wound to one of his heads, but his fatal wound is healed (13:3).   When the beast meets his death in one kingdom, he reappears in another.  Through the beast, which is godless government, the dragon challenges Christ's dominion over the earth.  Consequently, the second enemy is godless government in any place and any age which opposes God's people on the earth. For the churches in Asia Minor, the beast out of the sea is Rome.

The beast slanders God and the saints, and is worshiped by everyone whose name is not written in the book of life.  His deception and power over the lives of mankind lasts for a period of forty-two months.  This is the same time during which the two witnesses prophesy in sackcloth (11:3).  John has already told us that at the end of this time the beast will make war on the two witnesses and conquer them (11:7).  Now the beast is said to make war on the saints and conquer them.  The beast's victory over the two witnesses and the saints is one victory, and it is a temporary one.  Nevertheless, the sufferings and trials call the saints to endurance and faith so that they might enjoy an eternal victory through the resurrection from the dead.

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